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spotto solutions + asbits

spotto solutions + asbits




When we partner with a business we - like our partners - are particular as to who that is and what they represent.


asbits only partners with like minded businesses and the

same for people in the business.


That's why you will see and experience the same exceptional consistent level of professionalism, warmth, and integrity with all of asbits partners, as you will with asbits.


Who + What is spotto? 


spotto is poised to disrupt the local and international asset management product sector.

With spotto, your things become Connected Things – with a record that continues to grow over time.

The more you interact with your things using Spotto, the more you’ll be empowered to confidently make informed business decisions.



asbits was selected as the sole provider of integration services for spotto

This was due to asbits professional consulting services and the constant check that technology and business change must be made hand in hand. As such the spotto services line is delivered by experienced consultants working from a business needs focus rather than technical focus.


asbits believes that consulting services are best, and most successfully delivered face-to-face and will seek to meet and work with clients, in their own environment - wherever possible.


asbits spotto engagements are recommend to the follow the project services workflow.

asbits spotto partner
asbits 4'E's

What We Do - The 4 E's

the recommended project services workflow


•Capture Requirements

•Initial Rollout

•Review and Reflect


•Formalise Requirements

•Change Management Planning

•“spotto” the organisation



•Update Process

•Train Staff



•Data Analytics and Reporting

•User Experience Surveying

•spotto Integration

•Support Services

The ENGAGE phase delivers a working spotto setup into your organisation. Focusing on getting up and going.


This approach recognises that some of the value of spotto won’t be obvious until your start to see the results. This phase provides the setup of a small number of user (5) in to get to work using the products.


 In this phase, we will via a workshop run by our professional consulting team capture what it is that you are looking for out of spotto and put in place a quick start plan to get spotto in place and providing information as quickly as possible.


 By understanding your outcomes we will setup the service understanding the best configuration to meet your final reporting needs.


Post setup, we offer ongoing support including a weekly checkpoint session to ensure you’re kept on task and that feedback is captured as it arises for immediate (wherever possible) actioning.

A typical ENGAGE project consists of:


1.An Initial Kick-off meeting to

•Capture your business requirements in relation to spotto

•Establish a initial rollout scope and plan

•Forecast Device Usage

•Workshop the best configuration options ot meet your needs


2. A Roll-out Day to work hand in hand with your staff in rolling out the plan established in the kickoff including

â—¦Setup of the Portal with your users (Conditions apply)

â—¦Spotto your first group of “things”


3.As required Monitor and Support to ensure that any questions or concerns you have are addressed.

This is offered by:

â—¦A weekly meeting to check in on feedback and progress

â—¦Phone Support (Conditions Apply)

An End of Engage session to:

•End of Pilot Review

•4weeks Usage

•End of Engagement Summary

•Next Steps initial planning and discussion


This is a consulting engagement and as such time is taken to document in full the process including the delivery of the following:


1.An initial Roll-out Implementation Plan providing evidence of implementation design decisions


2. An End-of-Engagement review documenting the experience, feedback and discussion of results

spoto engage projects are priced on a per engagement basis and can be structured as Fixed Price or on a Time and Materials basis post an initial consultation.


engage projects start from as low as $2500 eg GST for SME customers.

Following the engage phase, the establish phase seeks to take on the feedback and learnings to move the organisation towards having spotto as a core business tool. Time is taken in working through the detailed business requirements to ensure that the roll-out of spotto into the organisation goes through the appropriate considerations not just in terms of “where and how to tag” but also addressing concerns around change management such as:


1.Effective Training of staff to ensure they are aware of how to use and benefit from the planned change


2.Discovery and Planning as to what organisational processes may be impacted and therefore require potential updates to enforce effective use across the organisation


3.Documentation of envisaged Governance around spotto and specific organisational usage policies


Effective planning in the early phases or projects is a key factor in project success and spotto projects are no different. Particularly when tagging projects span geographical considerations the cost of rework can be onerous. For this reason, the establish phase is governed by a number of structured gates to provide formal review points and consideration prior to roll-out commencing.

A typical ESTABLISH project is as follows:


1. A Planning Workshop to

•Revise and capture new business requirements in relation to spotto to date (as input from Establish)

•Document key reporting needs

•Capture Use Cases (also know as Usage Scanarios)

•Initial Capture of data capture best handled by Forms* technology

•Revision of the initial configuration to ensure the reporting needs will be met


2. Change Management

â—¦Capture organisation needs in relation to Change Management

â—¦Documentation of a Change Management Plan

â—¦Governance Requirements Capture


3. Roll-out Services (Optional) including:

â—¦Bulk Tagging Staffing

â—¦Fully managed rollout project services (for larger enterprises)


4.As required Monitor and Support to ensure that any questions or concerns you have are addressed. This is offered by:

â—¦A weekly meeting to check in on feedback and progress

â—¦Phone Support (Conditions Apply)


This is a consulting engagement and as such time is taken to document in full the process including the delivery of the following:


1.A Change Management Plan covering staff training requirements for later phases and process changes activity requirements

2.A custom spotto Governance Framework

3.An End of engagement review documenting the experience, feedback and discussion of results


spotto ESTABLISH projects are priced on a per engagement basis and can be structured as:

1. Fixed Price or

2. Time and Materials basis post an initial consultation

Change Management is key factor to project success. Rather than a black art, in our eyes, Change Management breaks down into four simple considerations:


1.Have you trained your staff not only on how to use the tool, but to embrace and understand it’s benefits ?


2.Do you have training in place not just for the current business, but for those who are to follow ?


3.Have you lined up your business processes to meet the delivered way in which the tool is to be trained/used ?


4.Is there a clear framework in place for the ongoing management, planning and utilisation of the tool that supports forecast business change ?


The embed ideally commences towards the end of the spotto roll-out process provided in the establish phase.

Whilst the focus in embed was effective roll-out, in this phase asbits supports your organisation (via our internal qualified training staff) to ensure that the success of the roll-out is met with a successful and managed uptake of spotto.


An EMBED project phase typically consists of:


1.An Initial Workshop to

•Decide upon a training plan for the organisation including:


•Staff Numbers and Audience

•Mode of delivery

•Ensure that updates to internal processes are implemented inline and prior to the training



Training across - the projects implemented tools or reporting systems, and alignment with employee KPI's or OKR's required for project measurability & efficacy, and overall business management. 


3.An End of embed project session to:

•End of Project Review

•End of Engagement Summary

•Next Steps initial planning and discussion


This is a consulting engagement and as such time is taken to document in full the process including the delivery of the following:

1.A Training Plan

2.Training Materials: including both standard spotto usage and specific organisation usage training

3.An End-of-Engagement Review documenting the experience, feedback and discussion of results


spotto EMBED projects are priced on a per engagement basis and can be structured as:

1. Fixed Price or

2. Time and Materials basis post an initial consultation and proposal


Once in place, the spotto service will perform to task delivering 24x7 spotto tag Interaction information into their state of the art, secure cloud service.


From the very first interaction with a registered tag, your organisation will be able to take advantage of knowing that each interaction is handled consistently and captured securely into the spotto service.


Combined with this you will have the ability to access, review and “slice and dice” data as and when you choose.


As with any tool or service, the results you get out will only be as good as the effort that gets put in. Each organisation is different and the post project engagement patterns varied, but acknowledgement that change management does no end the day after the training is a given.


The elevate phase is an acknowledgment of the need to build upon the work in the prior phases:

a)needs to be followed up to confirm that the change is being adopted and if not put in plans to address


b)Get feedback from “in the field” experience and adjust the solution to adapt to these learnings


c)Ensure that implementation is meeting the initial requirements

An ELEVATE project varies from service to service, and asbits is able to offer services in the following way:


1.Advanced Data Analytics and Reporting


2.User Experience Surveying


3.spotto Integration into organisation systems


4.Support Services


spotto ELEVATE projects are priced on a per engagement basis and can be structured as Fixed Price or on a Time and Materials basis post an initial consultation and proposal


so why asbits? 


 For spotto clients

â—¦Cost effective way of confirming service

â—¦Use Cases can be moved should the POC not provide the desired result

â—¦User stories, basis of an agile project. You get a backlog



 For spotto

â—¦Focus on the product

â—¦Controlling the project from requirements






256 Pacific Highway

Crows Nest NSW 2065 

P  02 9487 6983

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Australian Small Business IT Services

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